When you've found your someone special, it's just magical being able to get away and spend time with them. Except of course, there's the money issue. And the kids. And the list of 105 jobs you haven't done yet....
But still, being able to head out on a regular date night is something we all deserve to do, making it vital that nothing gets in our way. While we're not offering to babysit (we're certain you'll find someone much closer than us), and our to-do list is too long to take over yours as well, we do have some amazing cheap date night ideas we'd love to share with you.

8 of the Best Cheap Date Night Ideas
A strong relationship isn't created overnight. It takes patience, love and a lot of patience - did we mention that already? Anyway, we believe that all couples need regular date nights, so we've put together some ideas which won't break the bank.
- Star gazing - once the kids are asleep, head outside together for some contemplative star gazing. Remember to bring some pillows, rugs and a few snacks and enjoy some one on one time.
- Bring back the olden days - hunt out those videos, DVDs and dare we say it, cassette tapes, and reminisce about the good old days when life was simpler.
- Takeaways by candlelight - who said fish and chips weren't romantic! They certainly can be when you eat them by candlelight, without the kids!
- YouTube karaoke - forget visiting the local bar. Turn on YouTube, find your favourite artist, stand up and get singing alongside them.
- Dessert night - dinner out can be costly, so save your pennies and have it at home first. Then head out to somewhere nice and enjoy some dessert. A caramel sundae at McDonalds sounds nice about now.
- Reading night in - ah, a great one for those dark, windy and cold nights - reading at home. Snuggle up together under the blankets on the couch, by the fire if you have one. Choose a book and take turns reading it aloud to each other.
- Fruit picking - many orchards towards the end of their season offer PYO fruit opportunities. Social media and word of mouth are good ways to learn about which orchards are doing this, or turn up and ask.
- Dance lessons - one of our favourite cheap date night ideas is to take dancing lessons. Usually these cost around $10 per person per night, and provide you with expert instruction and plenty of laughs. Practicing at home in front of the kids then gives them some cringe worthy entertainment, depending upon their ages too! Don't forget to wear your tutu - we know it will look amazing.
What are your favourite date night ideas? We'd love to know, so drop a line in the comments below....
Posted: Tuesday 15 June 2021