All About Us and Our Tutu Business
Hi I am Mariana, married to Carl and together we have two amazing children, Dylan and Sacha. I have a pre-Mum background in accounting, so learning how to sell and market my business has been challenging. Navigating the field of social media was tricky, but I am proud to say that I have an awesome engaged group of fans, especially on Mayhem Creations’ Facebook page. I’d love for you to come and join us too!
Click here to see our facebook page or you can find us on instagram.
Mayhem Creations started because I saw the need for an affordable and quality range of tutu products in New Zealand. I wanted to remain at home once my two children reached school age, so together with some creativity and passion Mayhem Creations began. I continue to be a work at home Mum which I love, along with the fact that my own home based business allows me the opportunity to be at home when my kids need me. I love being able to contribute to the family household financially and aim to achieve enough sales so I can purchase the week’s groceries. While world domination is not on the plan for Mayhem Creations, holding the title of Best Tutu Maker is!
If you want a fun and gorgeous gift for your little princess, we can help!
Running a business from home online has taught me alot over the years and while it is hard work, I love the flexibility and knowledge it has given me. I started creating ready made hand tied tutu skirts and short tutu dresses, branched out to creating matching tutus for dolls, cake and table tutus.
I am proud of my business and of the tutus I make. I know you and your special little girl will love them too and I look forward to hearing from you!
These are some recent shots taken of us this year.
For a lot more behind the scenes shots of the Mayhem Creations crew check out our instagram page.